Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ways to voice your concerns about fracking

*Tell others about fracking and spread awareness of the issue

In New York:
*Petition: Tell Governor Cuomo to ban fracking

*Call an Assembly Member:

*Call Governor Cuomo's office:

*Post a message on Governor Cuomo's wall:

*Petition Congress:

Additional tools and information:

Here are some extra resources:
*Proposed FRAC act

*Map of gas drilling in PA
*Fracking incidents across the US
*Fracking ban upheld in some NY towns
*Fracking and the Safe Drinking Water Act
*Energy Policy Act of 2005 - includes exemption of fracking from safe drinking water act
*Article: Safety first, fracking second
*NY Times article on fracking
*Various fracking resources
*A million fracking letters
*Article: Cuomo's consideration of fracking
*Gasland movie website: includes various resources
*Article: earthquake in Ohio linked to fracking
*BBC: overview of fracking
*Food and water watch: fracking action center

Also, here is the proposed bill to ban fracking in NY: Bill

Please consider calling and/or writing your assemblyperson! You can find him/her on this website.

And finally, I just came across this sermon by Tim Keller on the topic of "Can Faith be Green?" In it, he gives Biblical support for protecting and caring for the environment. Check it out: Sermon

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Movie: The Corporation

Last Sunday we watched and discussed the movie called The Corporation. It gives you a well-rounded perspective on the formation of the corporation, how it gained the rights and privileges it enjoys in today's economy, and the problems that this particular institution creates in our society. It is very informative and thought-provoking. Here's a synopsis of the movie but you should watch it in its entirety.

Some of the action steps that came up in our discussion after the viewing of this movie included re-assessing what it is we purchase and why we purchase it not to mention where is the item we are purchasing manufactured, as well as sharing with friends and family about the issues surrounding U.S. consumers and the consequences of our increasing consumption. 

Up-coming Film Screenings

Up-coming film screenings in the Long Island area, in case anyone is interested and would like to attend:

Gasland: this Saturday (6/9)  from 7-9:15, in Babylon, free admission. The movie looks at the controversial issue of fracking.

The Harvest: next Wednesday 6/13 at 7:30 pm, in Huntington, $15 including a reception. This movie looks at the plight of migrant child farmworkers in the US. This film is actually from the same director as The Dark Side of Chocolate, and he will be there in person.

Human Rights Watch Film Festival - New York: June 14 - 28 at the Lincoln Center in New York City, sponsored by Human Rights Watch. Films feature a variety of human rights issues; go to the page for more information on the movies.